i2c Presets and Downloads

Thank you for stopping by i2c.
As always, there's some stuff you gotta read before you start downloading stuff. Aside from the usual disclaimer, it's just some info you might want to know.

Generally speaking, all items downloaded from i2c are with this bad boy:

Creative Commons License
i2c Presets and Downloads by davdalx is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at http://ideastocreations.blogspot.com.

For more details on what this means, click on the CC in the image to get details from the Creative Commons website.
I won't sue or anything, it's all just about being a courteous community and helping one another out!

1. All presets are downloaded and used entirely at the users own risk. Although actions have been taken to avoid any problems from arising from using the presets (such as beta testing and virus-scans before uploading), and any known problems will be pointed out but there are some rare or unexpected errors that may occur.
I can't be held responsible for any damage done to your system, hardware or software.
Although this may sound like my presets are very volatile, they actually shouldn't be. (If they are, please read point number 1 above).

2. Compatibility may be an issue. The presets are made in Windows, so Mac versions may face issues or not even work. I apologize for that. If you work on Mac and have the solution for all the Mac people out there, do drop a comment or holla at me with a Mac version so I can add it to the download list.

3. All presets are on a Creative Commons BY SA. If you're going to download a preset and plan on sharing it, or tweaking and sharing, please do the right thing and follow the Creative Commons licencing as shown above.

4. If you paid, you're being ripped off. Unless otherwise stated (which I doubt), everything you get on this site is absolutely free! If you download elsewhere or link somehow led to somewhere asking for moneys, someone's trying to steal from you. Head back to i2c and search and find the real thing!

1. Downloads are at your own risk. Can't be held responsible for damage to your system. However, should you find a bug/virus inside a download, do drop by and alert me and other users so I can take remedial actions and avoid the less fortunate from taking damage.

2. Unless otherwise mentioned, everything is free! Seriously, it is!


Download at your own risk. I can't be held responsible for damages. Compatibility is not assured. ALWAYS make a backup! EVERYTHING is free!

That's about it!
Should this page change, I will post something on it!
Thanks for stopping by! I really appreciate it!